
Being Chased

I took a half day-off yesterday. Went to the Baptist hospital to see a doctor to cure my voice. Received a bundle of drugs hoping to be good for my voice. I have no choice but to trust the doctor and follow every drugs he required me to take. Very sleepy and sleepy drugs actually.

Suddenly everything appear in the same day that I have to handle …
Resolution problem of the songbook which is about to release
Amendments of lyrics requested from ACM’s song
Amendments of lyrics requested from Vienna’s song
Preparing photos for the CAS concert

Even though some of these items can be followed-up by my team-members, I still need to present to them for how to handle. For a sleepy body I have now, I found it very difficult to say a word, describe, explain … For those lyrics amendments, well my “brain” is functioning “slowly”, creative idea just can’t be “produced”…

After group singing practice last night, I went home, sent several mails to my team members, then took a shower and fell lying on bed until this morning.

Trust that a few more sleepy days can be exchanged for a brighter voice!

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

Pray for your speedy recovery!

Ruth Tam 說...

Bless you and take care.