
Start losing my voice

I did try to keep myself healthy.

... but the weather is so hot and rains last week and I finally get sick and ...
as expected ... losing my voice

But God can I recover for the coming CAS concert this Saturday?

Everytime when we have big show, we are "invaded" by illness. I am really sick of getting sick before concerts and giving ourselves excuses for poor performance!

6 則留言:

匿名 說...

U should go to 鴻福堂 and get the 川貝海底椰西施骨湯. Really works! Take care

Ivor 說...

For yesterday's final practice, I can still hit the high note as Steven doesn't want me to sing with head voice for "Undivided". But the condition fluctuates, hope that I can take real rest for these couple of days to recover b4 Saturday!

匿名 說...

大家都take care啦, 我地呢邊都係, 有部份隊員都有少少作病徵狀, 我都有D喉嚨痛徵狀, 可能熱氣之過, 所以琴晚都隊左杯"廿四味"同埋定時食"得果定", 我都希望到時冇事..

匿名 說...


匿名 說...

take care la
hope no telephone call so u can keep ur voice rest

匿名 說...

I know how hard it feels for a singer to lose his or her voice... and can't sing in a concert! I always had similar problems... especially after I had asthma attack sometimes!