
Sandi Patty - Broken on the Back Row

上個月在網上訂了 Sandi Patty 的自傳,今日終於收到了。

這本書的封面用了 A Journey through Grace and Forgiveness 形容她在書裏分享的經歷。這位曾嬴得 39 項 Dove Awards,5 項 Grammy Awards,4 項 Billboard Music Awards 的女福音歌手,分享了她在罪裏如何被上帝寬恕。

背頁:Sandi Patty's tumultuous journey from devastating sin through healing forgiveness and into God's incredible grace began on the back row of a church balcony...

4 則留言:

Florence Lin 林琬 說...

Years ago, I was deeply disappointed by her affair.
It's so good to hear that she got through the guilt and share with the world now. It also relieves me. (Without the grace and forgiveness of God, we can do nothing.)

匿名 說...


Peter Kam 金培達 說...

Great book, very touching

Ivor 說...

歡迎"金大班"光臨小弟Blog! 你本書唔洗上網訂都好易買到啦!

剛剛睇o左 兩個Chapter!