


已有一段時間沒有唱商場的佈道會了。以前我們也曾到過沙田新城市廣場、粉嶺海聯廣場等商場唱歌,去年也試過星期日在旺角西洋菜街鬧市唱,年頭更在海洋公園佈佳音。在公開場合比起在教會裏面唱頌神的大愛,感覺很不同。因為在教會出現的,通常都是一早被邀請的,但在商場或鬧市便不同了,因為他們大多只是路過的,或者在一輪 shopping 後坐下休息的。要把握這偶然的短短時間向不認識的你唱關於神的歌,真的不容易呢!

下星期六 3 點 45 分,尖沙嘴街坊福利會,基督教聯合書展(影音展),約定您!

3 則留言:

匿名 說...

Hello, Ivor, I am Wing le..

Nice to meet you all in the 奢望 program. But a little bit disappointed that we can't "crossover" boz of the program over-run la...

Ivor 說...

Hi Wing, nice show though a little bit long. I have visited your blog yesterday, nice blog and good music!
You work for "Uncle" ... O he invited us for a recording session thru Gary last month but our schedule just clashed! Please send our apologies to "Uncle"!

and you are friend of Paul ...please tell him I like his songs so much (those blaming the Govt, even though I am working for the Govt!!!)

匿名 說...

Hi Ivor, thanks for visiting my blog le... but which one have you been to ?

Actually I am not work for "Uncle" la... I am one of the team members of "Fountain", which is an volunteer le...

Don't you know that Paul's studio is now beening redecorated ? He will have a new partner work together there le..

Ha... will we have any chances to serve God together ?