
Telling lies

Today one of my colleague said I will not tell lies because as a Christain, if I tell lies God will punish me!

Well... I told her she got a wrong concept. God will punish both Christian and non-Christian liers!

I start to learn more why people don't want to become a Christian ... as they get the same wrong concept.

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

咁你就要開多d壇作法 , 我先明嘛!

Ivor 說...

嘩! 加得里奧! 我次次開壇你都訓覺!

匿名 說...

冇法喇 , 鬼叫你開壇的時間正好是加得里奧最需要訓覺時段咩!啦!夜晚就唔同喇 , 夜晚就最清醒啦!

梁巔巔 說...


您真是一位有水準有理性, 開明的基督徒. 佩服. ^^