
Day Off

I just take a day off today to finish my lyrics.

Days ago, I thought I can make use of the evening time after work to finish it. But days have passed and nothing is written ... as I was occupied by many other stuff!

I thought a "Spiritual Romantic Environment" can help me get His inspiration ... that's no use if I don't get the feeling of the messages I want!

What I really need is "Concentration", then write the message I wanna write!

Hope Steven, my teacher, would like it!

3 則留言:

梁巔巔 說...

ivor兄(化化), ^~

勁呀! 上次你在我那邊留言, 得知你識作曲, 可否指教一下?


Ivor 說...

我冇作曲, 我寫詞咋!

史路比 說...

係呀..有時填詞都幾難架!求神感動你,讓你靈感如泉源~~ ^^

我呢,之前都學緊作曲架,不過..因為一d事唔可以繼續落去.. 填詞都填過下既.. 我想,遲d再搵個老師學呀..