
Machine Down

Can’t sleep well last night. Just 2 or 3 hours sleep and my steps were so heavy to wake up this morning. Not because of any pressure or any illness for unable to sleep. Can’t sleep just because I can’t sleep!

Now I am running out of power and energy. I think my energy can last for a few more hours and my body-machine will automatically turn off in a few hours. So I will take a half-day leave for the bed.

3 則留言:

Carrie 說...

"Can’t sleep just because I can’t sleep!"

This OFTEN happens to me!! I really hate that...>.<

匿名 說...

多謝你光顧我的xanga, 以後多多幫襯啦!

睇到你地出隊陣容, 你地唔係有個女仔加入左咩?得返你地四個有少少人丁單薄咁喎!

Ivor 說...

Carrie: It's too bad for can't sleeping!

Ray 哥: 多謝支持, 多謝支持!