1. 1990 年8月8日,會考放榜,第一次決定自己人生方向。
2. 1991年5月11日,決志信主,至今從未後悔。
3. 1995年11月13日,入職政府,將來退休有幾多退休金都係用呢日計。
4. 2001年11月24日,結婚,決定下半生的生活。
5. 2003年8 月1日,Frontline 第一隻唱片出廠。
呢個話題都幾有意思,以下 blog友請接波:
Dream a little dream
My thoughts
I want to tell you
My Blissful Life
9 則留言:
我真係未見過有 blogger 自己另開題目!!!
我 blog 友有限嗎! Forward 唔到 original post 出去!
Re: ya...you are right. They are all recent events with fresher memories.
The fact is, there are some memorable moments which I completely forgot the exact date. These include the day I believe in God, the announcement day of my JUPAS result and my first day of work in SCMP...so many to be included.
So probably I am an absent-minded perosn with just short memory??? Hahaa...=P
Let me help ur chain proceed!
Yes, our memories are our invaluable assets. We can keep track of these "tags" of our lives and know how we have changed.
RE: [Ivor 提到... 我 blog 友有限嗎! Forward 唔到 original post 出去!]
Me too~~~~ >_<
哈哈!!!謝謝分享 !!