
外家貓兒 – PePe

PePe(上)與 MeMe 開餐(下)

由於PePe原先的主人因為搬入的新apartment是不可養貓的,所以外母便接收了這隻4歲大的貓仔。第一眼見到PePe,覺得他和 MeMe 有7分相似,只是他是一隻短毛貓。



外家貓兒 -- MeMe


98年第一次去澳洲他已住在家裏。雖然他叫做 MeMe,其實他是男仔。

記得98年第一次帶他去打針,用盡九牛二虎之力才用到一個紅白藍帆布袋帶他出門。今次,由於他的毛實在太長,所以又要帶他去剪毛。今次外母不費吹灰之力便騙了他入手提貓屋。上午10點半便去到動物護理店,但由於店員實在太忙,我們又沒有預約,要等到下午5點才可以接 MeMe回家!

因為貓根本就不喜歡沖涼同剪毛,所以每次剪毛後他也會有一段時間不開心,避開我們。唯有買他最喜愛的貓糧 tum tum 佢啦!



姨仔的奶奶是越南華僑,也是廚藝高手。在悉尼有一晚到他們家裏吃飯,其實沒有白飯,因為是越南美味美食博覽總匯!最美味的當然就是紙米蝦卷(上)及火箭蝦(下),加上越南濱海、越式肉丸、越南春卷 ... ... 簡直就是越南美食不夜天!




在離開悉尼的前一天,我們駕駛了三個多小時車到了Jervis Bay。香港的沙灘跟這個實在沒有得比,雪白又幼細的沙加上從未如此清澈的海水,令人真想一下子就跳進水裏。



Singapore Airport again

My trip just ends and I am now at the Singapore Airport again waiting for my flight back home.

At this airport, even though I have to spend several hours waiting, I'll never be boring here. Why? There are plenty of free internet access, free movie, free cable TV, free foot massage machines, free XBOX games ...

Ooops, my hotel coach is ahead of schedule and again I have 2 hours here!

See you all!


Ayers Rock at the sea?

We drove north from Sydney to Port Stephens. Away from the crowds, it's a place for relax. We joined boat tours for dolphins watching and saw this rock ... pretending reaching the famous Ayers Rock at Alice Springs.

We spent a night in a motor inn there. Before we left Port Stephens, we went for a course of Putt Putt Golf. Very funny, no need to carry a lot of golf accessories and avoid the sunshine!

Before we drove back Sydney, we dropped by to the Hunter Valley which is famous for wine tasting! We tasted quite a number of white & red wines and bought some bottles! Don't think it must be a place for wines at discount, they sold wines even more expensive then you buy from the city. Of course, wine tasting is a value added activity.


Meeting with MMSG band in Sydney

Last night I was invited to join the MMSG Christian Band for their practicing session. We had a great time and I shared about the music ministries in Hong Kong including Frontline.

William and Isabella (middle) are the core committe members of the organisation. They shared that in Sydney they lack the resources or training leaders both in Bible and music for Christian performers. I was so amazed that they started to meet up every other week for a fellowship and practising session! They praise God together with the music they love!

God bless them!



The Americans always say medicines as drugs. The chemists are called drug stores! But it doesn't apply in the Aussie!

When I passed thru the Aussie customs at the airport, the lady asked me if I had any connection with drugs and I said ... "yes" ... then she started to starred at me!!! I began to show her my "drugs" carried and she found that they were actually medicines ... so she said ... " I mean cocaines, sort of things!" then I laughed!!! and she smiled!!!

So don't take drugs to the Aussie but to the US!!!


Good Afternonn Sydney

After waiting for 4 hours at the Singapore airport and 7 and a half hours in the sky with several turbulences turning the plane ups and downs, I finally got here! Good Morning Sydney ... no no no ... it should be Good Afternoon Sydney!

My mother-in-law and my wife drove me direct from the airport to the Sydney Fish market to have a fabulous fresh sea-food lunch! Wonderful 'cause I hate flight meals!

Couldn't sleep well due to the turbulences, when they drove me back home, I already fell asleep in the car! Now I'm still fainting here! Better take a bath and say an early Good Nite Sydney!


A really long transit time!

My flight to Singapore is a little bit ahead of schedule ... but my next flight to Sydney will be delayed for 2 hours! Oh no! I have to wait here at the Singapore Changi Airport for 4 hours and a quarter!

Better sleep here!

At the airport

Now I'm at the Hong Kong International Airport, waiting for my flight to Singapore then change flight to Sydney.

Thank God the weather turns clear and hopefully I can have a good sleep in the sky! ... Just 3 and a half hours ... maybe watch a movie!



經過暑期一連串的音樂會,Undivided 的錄音亦完成,製作經年的合唱琴譜亦終於出版,所以係時候大家吃番一餐飯慶祝一o下啦!

後排左起: Florence & Kenny, Jenny & Brian, Ding, Ivor, Maggie & Eric, But & Mei Na
前排左起: Frontline 隊牧 Amos & Florence Lin, 老師 Steven & Vienna


至於阿丁... hehe ... 佢另一半仲未過門嗎!10月7號!阿丁大日子!



今日同永亨講開我個 blog o岩o岩講緊佢,不如大家估o下邊個係盧永亨呀!佢話D 人一定會估錯喎!




但他的低調卻不減他的 Fans 對他的好奇。曾經教會收過電話問永亨是不是在這裏聚會,曾經有人透過我邀請他出席某些聚會。

但最好笑的莫過於某些唱片出版用了他的一兩首歌,更標明某某是那一首歌的「原唱者」,其實他很多時寫了新歌,便立即在教會聚會試唱 … 哈哈,原來我們才是「原唱者」呀!無法啦,一般新歌是先出唱片,後來才令歌曲受歡迎。但他的歌卻是先在「教會界」唱紅了,歌譜被人影印流傳,之後才被人邀請為他出唱片。

所以我經常對他說:「mm … 永亨,你是被人老翻起家的!」


萬眾期待 火熱登場

經過超過一年的時間製作,我們出版的兩張專輯 《On The Frontline》及《Love Chronicles》內8首歌曲最原汁原味的合唱譜和琴譜《The Frontline Vocal Collection》,將於下星期強勢發行。

和聲合唱 ── 合唱譜內的多聲部合唱部份,我們採用唱片錄音時的完整和音版本。特別是〈Emmanuel 清唱版〉及〈創造前路〉頭一段的清唱部份,可以讓弟兄姊妹練習完整和音合唱的效果。

編曲 ── 唱片內的編曲雖然用了不同的樂器,今次我們邀請了李偉倫先生 Wayland Lee 為7首歌曲重新以鋼琴編寫伴奏,務求將唱片內編曲的效果,轉化成五線琴譜的音符。

完整版《The Frontline Vocal Collection》將於各大基督教書室發售

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不料,十分鐘後外父回到家卻不見了婆婆。由於老婆要做教會司琴,而教會另外兩個司琴一個受傷休息,另外一個係盧永亨,但佢要做崇拜主席,唔可以一邊彈琴一邊帶敬拜,所以老婆一定要返教會。雖然我也要帶詩班作獻詩最後準備,但詩班有永亨同 Ray 哥我都可以放心,所以我便外出「搜尋」婆婆。



之後陪了她看醫生,原來她沒有帶食慣了的血壓藥在身,但醫生又要知道,我便趕回外父家拿藥又趕回醫務所。陪她看過了醫生,也陪她回家,到達時已經十二點幾了。終於我也開始暈了 …… 因為走了好幾轉,幾個鐘頭,原來連早餐也未吃。



今晚睇電視播英皇新秀歌唱比賽,睇到我頭擰擰。點解 8 個參賽者有 7 個走晒音都可以入圍呢?佢地無非係想被唱片公司睇中簽佢地做歌手,但係唱成咁。唉...

1. 依家做歌手唔洗唱歌好聽,只需要睇得。
2. 因為呢個比賽係英皇攪,所以唱得之人都唔會報名參賽,事關做英皇歌手根本唔可以專注唱歌。
3. 賴o下 D 音響令佢地失晒準。
4. 呢個係依家一般人認為唱得好o既標準。

高音走,低音浮,Peter 辛苦你啦要做評判。